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    Partner Requirements for Partners with Live Streams

    The below information/content/assets/images are required to set up your channel in the Pzaz platform. All of the requirements marked with asterisk (*) are needed in order to place your channel in the Pzaz Channel Store and build Your Brand Storefront.

    If you have received confirmation from the Pzaz Team that your channel is approved in the Coming Soon section, you can skip ahead to #12

    1. *General channel display name

    2. *General channel description

    3. *Contact name and email address for internal Pzaz correspondence

    4. *Privacy Policy

    • If your channel/company/brand does not have a Privacy Policy, Pzaz has a generic Privacy Policy that your channel is able to use.

    5. *Terms of Service

    • If your channel/company/brand does not have a Terms of Service, Pzaz has a generic Terms of Service that your channel is able to use.

    6. *Customer support email address (this will be inserted in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service in case an end user has any questions about the terms of the Privacy Policy or Terms of Service)

    7. *Channel Store Square Logo

    • Image name for file: 1SI
    • 256px x 256px
    • Aspect ratio: 1:1
    • Image must be your logo
    • This logo image must have a solid color background. The solid color background cannot be white

    8. *Channel Store Lifestyle Image

    • Image name for file: 2SC
    • 500px x 300px
    • Aspect ratio: 5:3
    • The best image for this is a “Splash” or “lifestlye” image that best represents your channel’s content

    9. *Your Brand Storefront Image

    • Image name for file: 3PPP
    • 1920px x 1080px
    • Aspect ratio: 16:9
    • The image must have background

    10. *Small Site Logo

    • Image name for file: 4SSL
    • 256px x 256px
    • Aspect ratio: 1:1
    • Image must be your logo
    • Image must have a transparent background

    10. *Wide Site Logo

    • Image name for file: 5WSL
    • 450px x 150px
    • Aspect ratio: 3:1
    • Image must be your logo
    • Image must have a transparent background
    • The logo itself cannot be black or dark blue, otherwise it will not be visible in the Pzaz player

    12. For each stream we need the following:

    • Stream name
    • Stream country
    • Genre of stream
    • Geo-restrictions, if any
    • Generic program name (will be displayed if EPG source is missing or fails)
    • Generic program description (will be displayed if EPG source is missing or fails)
    • Stream source
      • Full HD: 1920×1080, from 3 to 3.5 mbps
      • HD-ready: 1280×720, from 2 mbps up to 3.5mbps
      • SD: 1024×576, 2mbps or less
      • Pzaz can use MPEG-TS, HLS or RTMP as the stream source format
      • Streams must be H264-AAC (video/audio) codec
      • If they are not, we will need to transcode the stream which could delay the release of your channel.
    • EPG data requirements:
      • XMLTV format
      • Date format should be 20220115243000 +0100
        • 2022 is 4-digit year
        • 01 is 2-digit month
        • 15 is 2-digit day
        • 24 is 2-digit hour (24-hour format)
        • 30 is 2-digit minute
        • 00 is 2-digit second
        • +0100 is UTC timezone offset, should be + or – offset in 12h format and 4-digit
    • Stream Logo
      • 500px x 282px
      • Aspect ratio: 16:9
      • Image needs to have a single color as the background
      • Image name for file: 6STR
    • Generic Metadata Image
      • 1920px x 1080px
      • Aspect ratio: 16:9
      • This image cannot be a repeat of the stream logo, it needs to be different and a representation of the stream.
      • “Lifestyle” images work best here
      • If your EPG metadata has a main image, the main EPG metadata image will be displayed here. If the EPG metadata image is ever missing or fails, this image will fill in until the missing image is replaced from the EPG source.
      • Image name for file: 7META

    All images and logos must be in .png format and under 2MB in size. Any image or logo file above 2MB is not able to be ingested by our system.

    If your channel is monetizing by SVOD (subscription-based): Pzaz will set up a Dedicated App with a customized App Theme. For this setup, we need 4 (four) HEX-code colors of your channel brand colors.

    If you require an S3 bucket/FTP server/Google Drive folder/MRSS/API, etc. to upload the assets, please contact Pzaz at to arrange for this.

    *Any delay in Pzaz receiving the full content asset package could result in an inaccurate estimation of Pzaz’s proposed release date and/or a significant delay in promotion materials and in your channel being released to live on our platform.*

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